Boy Scout Troop 13 would like to invite you to become a member of our Troop.  As a Boy Scout you will enjoy new experiences with your fellow Scouts.  You will also learn new skills while advancing in rank and earning Merit Badges, which could lead you to the rank of Eagle, the highest achievement in Scouting.  You have the opportunity to remain active in Boy Scouts throughout your middle school and high school years.

Parents are a vital part of the Troop, as well.  The success of the Troop, as well as your scout's personal success in Scouting, depends on continued, active adult leadership.  What better way to spend "quality time" with your child than being together on a Boy Scout camping trip?  Or helping your son or daughter achieve his/her next rank of advancement?  There are plenty of opportunities for Moms and Dads to become involved.

This web site contains a lot of information about the Boy Scouts program in general, and Troop 13 in particular.  The information should give you a solid grounding about what you can expect as a new Troop member.  If you have questions, you are always welcome to contact our the Scout Master who will be more than happy to provide the answers!  We also invite you to come and see us in action!  You are welcome to learn about us first-hand by attending one of our Troop meetings.

Joining Procedure

To join the Troop, a new Scout must meet the Boy Scouts of America joining requirements: an applicant who has completed the 5th grade, or who has earned the Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award, or be 11 years of age but not yet 18.

Upon joining, the new Scout will receive a Welcome Packet, which includes the following:

  • Boy Scout Application, to be returned along with a $27 fee to the Committee Chairperson as quickly as possible. This fee includes  Registration - $15     Boy's Life Subscription - $12  
  • Class I Medical Form, to be returned to the Committee Chairperson as quickly as possible. This form is located on the back of the Boy Scout Application form or on the same sheet as the Class II Medical form. This form contains insurance, physician, and emergency contact information. It must be updated annually and is required for all Scouts before they can participate in any camp-outs. (Also available on this website under "Documents and Downloads")
  • By-Laws and Behavior Expectation forms
  • Troop Roster/Phone List.
  • Troop Calendar and/or Newsletter.  (Website until you get credentials for Scoutbook)

It is the Scout’s responsibility to purchase the Class A uniform shirt along with its associated insignia from a local Scout Shop, the troop or Online depending on availability. Plan on the uniform costing around $50 to $100. You will also need to purchase the items listed below.

Handbook - $10
CLC shoulder patch - $3.15
World Crest Emblem - $1.50
Shoulder Loop - $2.50

Troop Numerals - $2.40

Class B T-shirts are optional but recommended and may be ordered and purchased directly from the Troop.

Once the boy has achieved the rank of scout, which is outlined in the handbook, they will receive their neckerchief.

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